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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1240

title: “The Forget-A-Key”

airdate: 2012-10-06

The When-In-Rome Department

#season[Columbus Day]

Growing up Italian

Note: this might be the first post-Car Talk rerun episode! They said they’d start reruns in October

(TODO: if so, link to where all these segments came from)

time: 3:02

Barb from St. Louis, Missouri

1992 Mitsubishi Expo

Ray has the same car

Sitting still can’t shift through gears, including if car off

“Thats the best answer you could have given”

just save you 500


Answer isn’t inside transmission

Instead shift linkage

time: 6:25

José from Chicago, Illinois

1995 Subaru Legacy

Valve covers and cam shaft covers same. leaking

Also from MIT

valve cover gaskets?


Girlfriend has year-old #car[Scion]

time: 11:15

Sarah from Anchorage, Alaska

Alaska #season[summer]s and #season[winter]s

1995 Toyota T100 pickup truck

Heater randomly works or doesn’t

time: 15:57




time: 13:35

Answer to last week’s puzzler (#1239)


Frenchmen in the inky shadows

Consulted with Dr. Paul Vinger to find out i this was another bogus puzzler

Old men had cataracts surgery - removed lens - see UV light

Winner Derrick Tickle

time: 21:58

Christine rom Indianapolis, Indiana


“Working great, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the car.”

“Of course not.”

1976 Dodge Aspen is the opposite: always a problem

Keeps locking keys in the car

Medical student

time: 27:00

Shawn from Greenwich, Connecticut

2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Come to a stop abruptly, car begins to vibrate

From Washington

East coast/west coast drivers

Disc rotors are warped (brakes)

Need dial indicator to diagnose

time: 30:40

Julie from Sunnyside, Queens, NYC

Just moved from Boston



De-fog need to turn on A/C. What do people do with no A/C?

time: 34:05




New #puzzler

4 matchsticks in a square

Make 16 right angles

time: 37:20

Ed in Johnson City, Tennessee

1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

“Pings” high-test gas, “if you put regular gas in it it sounds like a machine gun”

“Every now and then it belches out blue smoke, makes you think you’re in Los Angeles”

“Oil pressure gauge fluctuates quite a bit”

After drive, oil pressure drops from 50 to 30 lb

Excessively high engine operating termperature?

time: 42:45

Judy from Evanston, Illinois

She and husband agreed on everying, got #car[Toyota,Corolla]

Light color vs. dark color

White safer?

Tom and Ray are colorblind

time: 46:38

Stump the Chumps

Dickie from New Iberia, Louisiana

TODO: Link to previous episode

1991 Lexus

Steering column

“If I’d’a known growing old was this much fun I’d’a done it a long time ago”

time: 51:00

Close credits

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-10-13: #1241: “The Shrink-Wrapped Land Rover”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
Or check out the data yourself!