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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1239

title: “The Truth About Leaf Peepers”

airdate: 2012-09-29

Note: this might be the last live Car Talk episode! They said they’d retire after Sept 2012

The Department of Graceful Aging

time: 1:42

Angela from Eugene, Oregon

Whiff of maple syrup

1984 Audi 4000S

Leaking heat exchanger or heater core

time: 6:15

Eric from Ann Arbor, Michigan

1995 Dodge Intrepid

Taking to repair shop before selling car

Front crank seal - part $4.10 but labor cost is $358

All the belts are glazed

Optimal pricing of parts vs. labor

time: 10:49

Peter Daniels from Crested Butte, Colorado

Press brakes, flash of light and sparked wires

Near the clutch

1980 Honda Accord (1980-1981)

Water flowed down where antenna was?

time: 13:30


time: 17:43

Last week’s #puzzler answer (#1238)

Winner Mike Bennett from Dallas, Texas

time: 21:58

Monica from Avon, Minnesota

1988 Dodge 600 that no longer has power steering

Rack and pinion

Husband cut the belt

Safe to drive without power steering?

time: 24:56

Stump the Chumps

Kate from San Diego

Called a year and half ago

TODO: link to the episode


Crash, totalled car

Switched to #car[Subaru,Outback Sport]


Ed Binns from Honolulu, Hawaii

Tommy loves Hawaii

Cats very territorial, spray on the bumpers all day long

In the hot sun, gets to be a stench

Idea for a contraption

The Johannesburg Jolter

time: 34:15



time: 35:31

New #puzzler

D-Day puzzle

Small boat leaves England, headed for the French coast


Light flashes

Row back

German patrol didn’t see them or the flashes of light

Old men

time: 38:59

Bridget from Seattle, Washington

Tried to help friend fix her car

Took it to mechanic and said they’d done $1,300 of damage to the car

She wants them (her and her partner) to pay for it

1992 Ford Ranger pickup

“Charged it backwards”

Jumped it backwards?

time: 45:12

Kurt from Glen, New Hampshire

Following tourist vehicles going slowly

Always caused by a certain make, model, and even a color

Tommy’s guess: #car[Ford]

Blue #car[Ford,Windstar]


Leaf peeping

Second theory

Junk hanging from the rear-view mirror: older-model maroon #car[Pontiac,Grand Am]

time: 50:54

Close credits

#1239 @ time: 52:49

The Car Talk staff list

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-10-06: #1240: “The Forget-A-Key”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
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