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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1215

title: “Beth’s Road Ugly Thesis”

airdate: 2012-04-14

The Behavior Modification Department

Psychiatrist tells husband to be more assertive

time: 1:45

Paula from Tulsa

1988,Bronco II

Whistle noise when hit 2,000 rpm


Vacuum leak?

Changed mind

fuel pump?

time: 7:15

Jonathan from New Haven, CT

1997,Saturn,SW2 wagon

Blue smoke

Rings worn out?

Drop a used engine into it?

1996 Honda Accord

Cars rust away in New Haven

What do people want? Secret bolt

time: 11:00

Michelle from Eugene, OR

2002 Honda Civic

Windshield wiper problems

time: 16:17




time: 17:38

Answer to last week’s puzzler (#1214)

Tree growth

time: 22:28

Helen from Dillon, CO


Lives in van

Van “catches its breath” - stops accelerating

Installed propane heater and second battery


time: 29:02

Tim from East Calis, VT

Car-related etiquette

Drivers too polite to tourists

Becoming a real Vermonter

time: 34:15



time: 35:23

New #puzzler

Puffing cigar as pushing car up hill as car slides backwards

time: 38:30

Mabel from Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts

1996 Mazda 626

Power steering fluid in brakes

Changed master cylinder for free

time: 42:10

Tony from Memphis, Tennessee

“17-year-old” #car[BMW,318i]



Pedal harder to press than before

Pressure plate?

Throttle bearing?

time: 46:07

Beth from North Bend, OR

Theory: women become “road ugly” after 3 hours in a car, but not children or men

time: 50:43

Close credits

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-04-21: #1216: “Buona Fortuna”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
Or check out the data yourself!