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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1214

title: “The Flower and Blue Cheese Belvedere”

airdate: 2012-04-07

The Cautionary Tales Department

“Always wear clean underwear”

time: 2:02

Jeannie from Montgomery, Alabama

1992 Oldsmobile Achieva

Brake pedal going closer to the floor

Advice to use emergency brakes every day

Colt Vista

time: 7:25

Jonathan from Greensboro, NC

Car pulls to the left because of speed bumps

1990 Honda Civic

“Loyalty has no place in science”

time: 12:10

Tina from Portland, OR / Las Vegas

“Something has changed on my car since driving 1,500 miles”

1990 Honda Civic SI (“So it’s old, but really fast”)

Brake pedal sinks like a sponge

Failing master cyclinder

Works for Cirque du Soleil

time: 15:47




time: 17:35

Answer to last week’s #puzzler (#1213)

Nancy Moore from Milo Maine

time: 21:12

Amy from Naperville, IL

Husband bought $500 1985 Nissan Maxima

DIY replacing rack and pinion

time: 25:34

Kevin from Meriden, NH

Quarter stuck in buckle

time: 30:14

Anna from Portland, ME / Rockland

Calling from a boat

1998 Ford Ranger

Makes a whirring after it rains

Cooing/spaceship noise

time: 34:32



time: 35:23

New #puzzler

Heart carved into tree

time: 39:40

Josefa from Anchorage, AK

Everyone in Anchorage is wacko

#car[1982,Subaru sedan, 2-door, GLF

Sound like flushing a toilet

Hole in #4 cylinder


time: 45:00

Chris from Dallas

1959 Plymouth Belvedere

Birdseed thrown in car from wedding, now a little garden is growing

Chunks of roots would fly out through air vents

Kid put blue cheese in car too

time: 50:53

Close credits

Episode #1214 @ time: 52:46

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-04-14: #1215: “Beth’s Road Ugly Thesis”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
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