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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1207

title: “Washer Fluid Dynamics”

airdate: 2012-02-18

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Sleeping in the Garage Department

time: 2:10

Kate from Cambridge, Massachusetts

1995 Honda Civic

Hair from her muffler tailpipe

time: 5:10

Oliver from Mill Valley, California

#car[1994,Toyota] pickup truck (Tacoma started in 1995, so is it 1994 Toyota Hilux?)

Pickup truck

Head gasket blew and his friend repaired it.

After the repair they had a bolt left over - from where?

Banjo bolt?

time: 11:30

London from Montezuma, Colorado

1991 Toyota 4Runner

time: 16:30

#puzzler hint



time: 17:45

Answer to last week’s puzzler (#1206)

time: 20:10 winner Beverly Levine from Greensboro, North Carolina

time: 21:35

Andrew from Groton, Massachusetts

1995 Subaru Legacy station wagon

Windshield washer only washes the bottom window half

time: 29:20

Joyce from Ellicott City, Maryland

Husband (meditation teacher) calm in person, aggressive driver (mix of Mario Andretti and Tony Soprano)

Women joining men as jerk drivers

time: 35:00

#puzzler upcoming



time: 35:35

Mathematical #puzzler

Gold rush, stumble out of saloon

Game of chance, colored cards

time: 39:15

Achala Chatterjee from Huntsville, Alabama / Riverside, California

1995 Toyota Avalon

Bottom of car scrapes on sloped driveway

Scrapes exhaust system

time: 45:05

Matthew from Savannah, Georgia

14 years old

1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager

Difficulty washing car

time: 51:00


Episodes which mention this one:

2012-02-25: #1208: “The Elvis Idle”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
Or check out the data yourself!