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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1206

title: “Help Me Blow Up an LTD”

airdate: 2012-02-11

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TODO: #homepagelink[]

Distracted Driving Department

time: 2:15

Michael from Minneapolis, Minnesota

1999 Toyota RAV4 (aka “RAV 4”) 5-speed

Annoying whine or whistle in really cold weather

Irish guy

Stuck #caliper ?

time: 7:30

Adrian in Pahoa, Hawaii

1991 Chevrolet S-10

Gas mileage gets worse as there’s less fuel in the tank

time: 11:00

Jayne from Fairfax, Virginia

2001 Subaru Outback

Who’s right, her husband or her father?

Baby will only nap in the car. Should she leave the car running with the baby in, sleeping? Does she worry about carbon monoxide?

also mentioned 2001 Honda Civic

and #car[Toyota,Prius] (#time[15,30])

time: 16:20

Music and ads

time: 17:45

Last week’s #puzzler answer (#1205)

WWII German fan belt

#answer[Möbius strip]

TODO: winner?

time: 22:00

Doris from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

#car[Pontiac,Sunbird,1988] (time: 23:40)

Very high thermostat

time: 27:00

Jim from Millwood, Virginia


Very loud knocks and lost power when going uphill

Goes away when revving engine

Sticky valve

time: 34:55


time: 35:40


2 grasshoppers boast thay can jump faster. They have a race. Math puzzle

time: 39:20

Judy from Pocatello, Idaho

1991 Honda Accord station wagon, hatchback

Hatchback wouldn’t stay up, didn’t pick up replacement pistons. Suddenly started working in the spring. Then not working in cold.

Pressure formula

time: 41:52


Linkback TODO

Joan from Wilmette, Illinois


“Noise like an amorous donkey”

Ball joint

steering improved too

time: 46:30

Seth from Springville, New York

1977 Ford LTD II

Filmmaker needs to explode their car

Needs advice how to blow it up and not damage the house nearby

time: 50:40


Episode #1206 at time: 52:40

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-02-18: #1207: “Washer Fluid Dynamics”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
Or check out the data yourself!