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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1226

title: “Who Drowned My Corolla”

airdate: 2012-06-30

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The Can’t Be Too Careful Department

time: 2:00

Ann from Minneapolis

1994 Honda Accord

When turning the key it sometimes won’t start without shaking the key

“The car is the right age to need a new starter

Apartment rentals

time: 6:30

Debra from Bellingham, Washington

#car[GMC,Sierra] pickup

Air conditioner knocking sound

Went away for 2 weeks

Then knock happened before truck started

Sound not coming from under the hood

Then makes sound with key out of the car, as she’s walking away

time: 12:00

Matt from Lafayette, Louisiana


#car[Chrysler,Town & Country]

Mouse in car from garage, sold car but wife still won’t park in garage

time: 16:25

Puzzler reminder


time: 17:50

Answer to last week’s puzzler (#1225)

Winner: Joan Ritten from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Subway fugitive story

time: 21:25

Sara from Portland, Oregon

#car[1984,Mazda] pickup truck, $400


Fixed the head gasket

Fell in love with working on cars

Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance

Sandpaper in a blender sound

time: 27:00

Scott from Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania

1997 Volvo 850

Ball joint

Respect from wife and kids

time: 30:10

Stump the Chumps

Barkbusters - dog trainer

TODO: which episode?

Vicky from Hudson, MA

time: 34:40



time: 35:50

New puzzle, by 13-year-old Sarah Zimmerman

Pilgrim journey on foot between Casablanca and Marrakesh

6 day trip, can only carry 4 days’ food

How many people need to join trip?

time: 38:20

Gene from Festus, Missouri

1971 Cadillac Coupe de Ville

Owners manual says to use unleaded or low-leaded fuel, or reguar leaded

time: 44:00

Maria from Millbury, Massachusetts

1991 Toyota Corolla station wagon, stick shift

Her boyfriend borrowed her car and his ex-wife totalled it - whose fault?

Never put emergency brake on

Cell phone

time: 51:15

Close credits

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-07-07: #1227: “A Civic Divorce”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
Or check out the data yourself!