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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1224

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title: “You Sap”

airdate: 2012-06-16

Phi Beta Crappa Division

dark and stormy night

time: 4:25

Nick from Junction City, Arkansas

1992 Chevrolet S-10

Fuel pump continues to run after turning car off

Fuel pump relay

time: 8:50

Maggie from Round Lake, New York

1992 Buick Regal Custom

Accelerating causes shuddering

time: 15:50

Puzzler reminder



time: 17:45

Answer to last week’s puzzler (#1223)

time: 21:10

Yusuf from Toledo, Ohio


Settle an argument with fianceé: “High mileage oil” is bs?

time: 26:10


Follow-up of window rolling down

time: 27:20

Jillian from Brooklyn, NY

2005 Toyota RAV-4

Heating/cooling goes out after 45 mins

time: 30:29

Stump the Chumps

Todd from Orlando, FL - TODO: linkback

1973 Ford LTD

time: 35:00



time: 35:45

New #puzzler

Mechanical puzzler


Brakes not working

Exhaust system replaced

How could exhaust system affect brakes?

time: 38:40

Jason from Newton, Massachusetts

2003 Mini Cooper S - or BMW?

Rotors squeaking sounds when coasting

Warp in disc

time: 42:50

Karen from Davis, California


Car wouldn’t start after return from vacation

Battery acid leaked and ate through wires, but mechanic said she didn’t need to replace battery

time: 47:15

Jim from Lava Hot Springs, Idaho

1989 Chevrolet Blazer

one of these:

How to get smell of goat urine out of car

time: 51:05

End credits

time: 52:45 says episode #1224

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-06-23: #1225: “Do One To Others”

Questions? Contributions? Reach out to cartalkeps AT mailbox DOT org
Or check out the data yourself!