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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1218

title: “Tire Pressure Goblins”

airdate: 2012-05-05

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Department of Ominous Omens

“Sure signs that it’s time for a new car”

Get parts in Havana

time: 2:15

Henry from Albany, California

2000 Toyota Camry

Cold start

Black plume of smoke from exhaust for 3 or 4 years

Used to be friendly with neighbor but he covered her in smoke

Check engine light is not on, and been getting normal oil changes and checks

Passed the California smog test

Burning oil?

time: 6:32

Evyn from Portland, Oregon

#car[1996,Nissan] pickup

Transmission and clutch died at the same time

Doesn’t feel like gears are quite engaging for the first hour

Like something’s holding her back

Idling funny (idle)

Check engine light has been on for 3 months

time: 11:37

Bruce in Danbury, Connecticut


“Phantom tire pressure goblins that come in the night”

Lose lots of pressure overnight?

“He was a nice guy”

time: 16:06




time: 17:36

Answer to last week’s #puzzler (#1217)


Winner Allison Haskins from Oxford, OH

time: 21:22

Michal from Berkeley, California

Named from Bible

Disagreement with partner (a lawyer from New York)

Doesn’t use turn signals on freeway weaving between lanes at 80mph

Corporate lawyer

He drives a banged-up #car[Honda,CR-V]

time: 27:45

Guy with fake name because in messy divorce, doesn’t want to let know what kind of car he has

Jinx from “Tupelo, Mississippi

1972 Porsche 911, anonymously

Turned headlights out during drive at 60mph

Car immediately filled with acrid smoke

Turned lights back on, smoke stopped

DIY took out and put back in spedometer for calibration

Electric system

Wires melting

Bought a fire extinguisher

time: 34:05


FCC, First Amendment


time: 35:24

New #puzzler

Ray: “I have a vague recollection that many years ago I used this puzzler, but I can’t really remember”

(TODO: did they?)

An off-duty policeman is working as a night watchman

He hears an argument, someone shout “No, Frank!” and then gunshots from behind a closed door

Enters room, sees 3 people. A minister, a doctor, and a plumber

Walks over and arrests minister. How does he know it was the minister?

time: 37:37

Lisa from Seattle, Washington

2000 Volkswagen Passat

Sounds like a spaceship when starting up

Imitate sound

Automatic transmission

Surging sound

Vacuum leak?

Told secondary air pump by mechanic. Spent $600

time: 43:18

Sam from North Andover, MA

1998 Toyota Avalon

Once or twice a week, thud from back left tire

Car vibrates violently, worse speeding up

Stuck brake

“It’s a geezer car”


time: 46:18

Cindy/Cynthia from San Diego, CA

Graphic designer/painter

535i 1988? - time: 47:20

Poured Maalox in the engine instead of #[motor oil]

time: 50:48

Close credits

Says episode #1218 @ time: 52:44

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-05-12: #1219: “The LTD of Destruction”

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