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Car Talk Episode Guide

Episode #1202

title: “Mud Chiggers in the Fuel Line”

airdate: 2012-01-14

The New Math Department

Arithmetic conversions for the metric system

Stan Liebenberg

time: 2:15

Drew/Drusiano from Denver, Colorado / Los Angeles, California

#car[1991,Toyota] 4x4 truck

Close to freezing, first and second gear, makes horrible sound

Grease gets too viscous

Transfer case


Could be bearing

time: 5:58

Suzanna from Syracuse, New York

1993 Mazda Protegé standard

Had radiator replaced - leaking


Replace thermostat too

Change distributor cap and spark plug


Tom and Ray’s DIY garage

Electric fan behind radiator

time: 11:33

Jim Davis, “your chemistry consultant”

Follow up on woodchips from #1201


Geo Metro

time: 15:58

Reminder of last week’s #puzzler

Playback Tommy on tape saying “I am going to commit this to memory”


Music: “UFO”

time: 17:44

Last week’s #puzzler answer (#1201)

time: 20:30

Daniel from San Diego, California

Etiquette of who gets the center console


time: 22:49

Betsy from New Orleans

#car[1988,Toyota] 4WD pickup truck

Gasoline puring all over driveway

“Mud chiggers in the fuel line”

“So much pressure in the gas tank”

Driving with the gas cap off

Long diagnosis

time: 33:50

Fan mail


Listened to 24 shows in a row while painting


Music - Old Cheyenne, Coupe de Ville

time: 35:28

New #puzzler

From Mathworks

Traveling salesman problem

Start in Delaware, guaranteed he’d end up in boss’s home state

time: 38:17

Becky from Bloomingdale, Georgia

Can’t park in garage because husband’s “redneck gear” is in there

Saab 95 station agon



time: 42:10

Rob from Lancaster, Pennsylvania

1998 Toyota Camry

Need to get rear door off. Wife backed into sister-in-law’s car

Child safety lock

time: 46:05

Nancy from Wilson, Wyoming

1992 Nissan Pathfinder

When it got cold, it wouldn’t start. Turnd on heater fan and it started

(tag TODO: Car won’t start)

Folklore theory: start with small amount of energy

Similar to the bashfhul electrons thing from other episode

Quit while driving

Fixed from swapping horn relay

time: 50:39

Close credits

Episodes which mention this one:

2012-01-21: #1203: “Snakes in the Fusion”

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